Singing Guide: Sarah Blasko

Singing Guide: Sarah Blasko

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sarah Blasko is a talented singer-songwriter from Australia. Her unique vocal style blends elements of folk, rock, and electronic music. In this article, we will examine Sarah Blasko's unique vocal techniques and discuss how to learn to sing like her.

One of Sarah Blasko's defining vocal qualities is her emotive tone. She brings an incredible amount of emotion to her performances, which is achieved through excellent breath control and unique phrasing. Two of her most famous songs that showcase this distinctiveness are "All I Want" and "We Won't Run."

To learn this, one should start with the basics, such as analyzing one's voice, understanding the voice types, and practicing breathing techniques. These articles will help you analyze your voice (source), understand voice types (source), and grasp breathing basics (source).

Once you have mastered these fundamentals, you should begin practicing to control your breathing through exercises. One of the first things to work on is breath support (source). This will enable the breath to sustain longer, giving you more control over your phrasing while singing.

Sarah Blasko's unique vocal style is characterized by her mix of vocal registers and vocal-break techniques. We suggest spending time practicing with these registers to learn the mix of vocal techniques like Sarah Blasko. You can learn more about voice registers and vocal breaks (source) and proper warm-ups and exercises in the pitch training section of Singing Carrots (source).

Another crucial element of Sarah Blasko's vocal style is her use of open tones and projecting her voice externally, rather than internally. This allows her to achieve superior resonance and projection. We suggest learning the technique of opening the mouth and throat (source) and using it during warm-up exercises.

It is also important to practice articulation (source) and sing songs that show off your improved articulation and voice control. You may find songs with sustained notes and legato phrasing particularly helpful while practicing.

Finally, one of the key aspects of Sarah Blasko's singing style is her ability to mix and match different vocal techniques to achieve a unique sound. This is where the contemporary vocal techniques of heavy modal, twang, and belting come in handy. You can learn more about these techniques in this article (source), and the skill-related video for twang, growling, chest voice, and voice breaking can be helpful.

In conclusion, to sing like Sarah Blasko, you should start with the basics like analyzing your voice and mastering breath control. Once comfortable with these, work on creating resonance with warm-ups, open mouth, and projecting externally. Mix and match different vocal techniques, and be sure to develop the ability to use them seamlessly to achieve a unique sound. Singing Carrots is an excellent resource for acquiring knowledge about singing, and using its tools such as pitch training (source), and vocal range search (source) will enhance your vocal abilities when learning to sing like Sarah Blasko.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.